T:Sydney Bar
C:Rory MacDonald
B:MacQuarrie – Cape Breton Collection of Scottish Music (1940, p. 15)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
B|AD D/D/D {F}A2 AB|defd edfd|AD D/D/D {F}A2 Ac|BGAF EA, A,/A,/A,|
AD D/D/D {F}A2 AB|defd edfd|BadA FAdA|AdAG FD D!fermata!||
d|cdef g2 (ag)|feag fd d2|cdef g2 (ag)|fbag fd d2|
cdef g2 ag|fefe dcBA|BadA FAdA|BdAG FD D!fermata!||
|:A|F2 AF BGAF|E/E/E Ee edcA|BcdA FAdA|BdAG FDD:|]
SYDNEY BAR. Canadian, Reel (whole time). Canada, Cape Breton. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABCC. Composed by Cape Breton and Boston violinist "Little" Rory MacDonald (not the prolific Dan R. MacDonald). The title refers to the town of Sydney, north Cape Breton; there is a lighthouse located on the end of the southeast bar in Sydney Harbour.
Additional notes
Printed sources : - MacQuarrie (Cape Breton Collection of Scottish Music), 1940; p. 15.
Recorded sources : - Ian MacDougall - "From Foot Cape."