Annotation:Tam Glen

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X:1 T:Tam Glen M:9/8 L:1/8 R:Quickstep B:John McLachlan - Piper’s Assistant (1854, No. 77, p. 44) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bmin Tf/e/|dBB BdA Bde|Tf>ed d>e A2 Tf/e/|dBB BdA Bde|fgf e>de/f/ B<B|| a/g/|fga afe def|f>ed def A2 Tf/e/|dBB BdA Ba a/g/|Tf>ed def B<B||

TAM GLEN. Scottish. "Tam Glen" is the name of a song by Robert Burns set to the tune of "Muckin' o' Geordie's Byre (1)."

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