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Annotation:Thadelo's Slide

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X: 1 T:THADELO'S SLIDE C:ABC/arr. BB B:JOL.076 Q:1/4=180 L:1/8 M:12/8 R:slide K:A B|c3 cBA B2A F2A|BAB c2d e3 e2A| BAB cBA B2A F3|1 A2B c2B A3 A2 :|\ [2 A2B c2B A3 || Ace||f2e cBA B2A F3|f2e c2d e3 ece| f2e cBA B2A F2A|A2B c2B A3 :|

THADELO’S SLIDE. AKA and see “Tarrant's (Slide).” Irish, Slide (12/8 time). Ireland, Sliabh Luachra region of the Cork-Kerry border. A Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA’BB’. Named for Sliabh Luachra musician Thadelo Sullivan (Tim Sullivan). Source Johnny O’Leary said: “He used to play that on the concertina and the ten-key accordeon. ‘Twas lovely. They’d be hopping that night off the ground” [Moylan].

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - accordion player Johnny O’Leary (Sliabh Luachra region) [Moylan].

Printed sources : - Moylan (Johnny O’Leary of Sliabh Luachra), 1994; No. 76, pp. 43-44.

Recorded sources : - Topic 12T357, Johnny O’Leary - “Music for the Set” (1977. Appears as “Tarrant’s”).

See also listing at :
Alan Ng's Irishtune.info [1]

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