T:Tringham’s Fancy, or Recruiting Serjeant
B:Thompson’s Compleat Collection of 200 Favourite Country Dances, vol. 3 (London, 1773)
Z:Transcribed and edited by Fynn Titford-Mock, 2007
Z:abc’s:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
B/c/|dBAB G2 AB|cAFA D2 Ac|Bgfe dcBA|G2 GG G3:|
|:(B/c/)|dBec d3 B/c/|dBec d3 B/c/|dBgf edcB|A2 AA A3 (B/c/)|
dBAB G2 AB|cAFA D2 Ac|Bgfe dcBA|G2 GG G3:||
TRINGHAM’S FANCY. AKA – “Recruiting Sergeant (2) (The).” English, Country Dance Tune (cut time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune is unique to Charles and Samuel Thompson’s third country dance collection (London, 1773). The alternate title, “The Recruiting Serjeant” [sic] is the name of a play by George Farquhar, first staged in 1706 at Drury Lane, and one of the most successful comedies of the 18th century.
Additional notes
Printed sources : - Thompson (Compleat Collection of 200 Favourite Country Dances, vol. 3), 1773; No. 6.