Annotation:Triple Hornpipe (4)

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X: 22 T:untitled T:Triple Hornpipe [5] M:6/4 L:1/8 S:Wright 1713 Z:P T:Triple Hornpipe K:D D2d4cB AGFE | efge fgaf c2A2 | D2d2edcB FAdF | efge fgaf d2D2 || F2D2A2E2C2A,2 | DEFD CDEB, C2A,2 | DEFG A2d2F2A2 | BAGF EFGE F2D2 || f2ef gfed cdec | Bede Bede c2A2 | d2A2B2G2A2F2 | f2ef gf ec d2D2 ||

TRIPLE HORNPIPE [4]. AKA - "Wright's Hornpipe (5)." English, "Old" or Triple Hornpipe (3/2 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABC.

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Printed sources : - Daniel Wright (An Extraordinary Collection of Pleasant and Merry Humours), c. 1715; p. 22. Offord (John of the Green: Ye Cheshire Way), 1985; p. 18.

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