Annotation:Ty Coch Caerdydd

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X:1 T:Ty Coch Caerdydd M:C| L:1/8 K:G BA|G2g2 gfe2|d4 c2B2|c2e2 ed c2|BcBA G2 BA| G2g2 gfe2|d4 c2B2|B2G2 FGAF|G2B2G2:| |:Bc|dcBA GABc|d2d2 dcBA|cBAG FGAB|c2c2 cBAG| dcBA GABc|d2d2 dcBA|B2G2 FGAF|G2B2G2:| |:G2|AB c2c2c2|AB c2c2c2|Bcde d2d2|Bc de d2d2| AB c2c2c2|AB c2c2c2|B2G2 FGAF|G2B2G2:|

TY COCH CAERDYDD (The Red House of Cardiff). Welsh, Country Dance Tune (2/2 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. The melody is a Welsh dance tune version of “Red House (The)” from Henry Playford’s Dancing Master (London, 1695). See also notes to “John Peel.” According to Anne Geddes Gilchrist (Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society, 1941) the Welsh version, which she calls a “pipe dance,” dates to c. 1896 when it was printed in Nicholas Bennett's Alawon Fy Ngwlad (p. 38). However, the melody was earlier entered in Thomas D. Lleweln's manuscript Llewelyn Alaw's Collection of Unpublished Welsh Airs (1858, No. 5, p. 2).

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Printed sources : - Barnes (English Country Dance Tunes, vol. 2), 2005; p. 108 (appears as “Red House of Cardiff”, the name of a dance by choreographer, teacher, musician and collector Pat Shaw, set to the tune).

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