C:Henry Purcell
R:Country Dance Tune
B:Walsh - 24 New Country Dances for the Year 1712 (No. 24)
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
G2 (Bc) c(B/c/) |d2B2e2|dg bg ge|f3g a2|
G2 (Bc) c(B/c/)|d2B2e2|dg bg ge|e4 d2:|
|:d2 (fg) g(f/g/)|a2f2a2|bg eg fe|^d3d ef|
g2 B2 (cB/c/)|d2G2e2|dB BG cB|A4 G2:|]
VOLPONY. English, Country Dance Tune (3/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The melody was composed by Henry Purcell (1659-1695) for the country dance in Act V of The Prophetess: or, A History of Dioclesion, a stage production by Thomas Betterton produced in 1690. It was printed Thomas Bray in his Country Dances (1699), attributed to Purcell (with the dance by Bray). Graham Christian (2015) concludes the title is almost certainly associated with Ben Johnson's satire Vulpine; or, The Fox staged in 1606, repeatedly revived in Restoration times.
Additional notes
Source for notated version: -
Printed sources : - Christian (A Playford Assembly), 2015; p. 124. John Walsh (Twenty Four New Country Dances for the Year 1712), No. 24.