Annotation:Voulez Vous Danser

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X:1 T:Voulez Vous Danser M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig Q:"Moderato" B:Thomas Wilson - A Companion to the Ball Room (London, 1816, p. 91) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C e2e e2e|dcd c3|B2c d2B|c2d e3| e2e e2e|dcd cde|f2e d2c|cdB c3|| ded B2G|cde d3|ded B2G|cde d3| g2g ^f2f|ede d2d|c2c B2B|AGA G3|| g2g g2g|fef e3|d2e f2d|e2f g3| g2g g2g|fef efg|a2g f2e|dcB c3||

VOULEZ VOUS DANSER{, MADEMOISELLE?} (Do You Want to Dance?) AKA and see "Soldier's Glory (The)," "Life of a Soldier (The)," "Nine Pins (2)/Ninepins (2)," "Old Amzi Eccles Tune." English, Jig (6/8 time). A Major ('A' and 'C' parts) & E Major ('B' part) {Raven}: C Major (Wilson): D Major ('A' and 'C' parts) & A Major ('B' part) {Trim}. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABCD (Kerr): AABBCC (Trim). Probably an old ballroom dance, though later the tune had currency as a march. Set in duple time it was transformed into the Quebec reel “Bastringue (La).” It appears in several older fiddlers’ manuscripts in England, including the James Hook/Thomas Hardy manuscript from Dorset (as “Vowlaz vowz dancer madamazelle”). In southern England a variant of the tune appears as “Nine Pins (2)” or perhaps more recognizably the song “Oats Peas Beans and Barley Grow.”

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Printed sources : - Kerr (Merry Melodies, vol. 1), c. 1880; No. 2, p. 27. Raven (English Country Dance Tunes), 1984; p. 115. Trim (The Musical Heritage of Thomas Hardy), 1990; No. 64. Wilson (Companion to the Ballroom), 1816; p. 91.

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