X: 1
T:Willie is a Wanting Wag. JBa.58
S:Joseph Barnes MS,Carlisle,1762.
N:Regrettably this bears almost no resemblance to 'Willie is a wanten
N:wag' in Kerr's Merry Melodies..CGr.
K:C major
"_No key/time sig"
D/D/D AG FG Ac | D/D/D AF GE CE |\
D/D/D AG FG Ac | dB cA GE CE :|!
|:d/d/d fd ge fd | d/d/d fe ge ce |\
d/d/d fd ge fd | e (ag) f ed ce |]
WILLIE IS A WANTING WAG.AKA and see "Hexham Lasses." English, Reel (cut time). D Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Willie is a Wanting Wag" is contained in the 1760's music manuscript collection of Cumbrian musician Joseph Barnes. The tune bears no relation to the better-known "Willie was a Wanton Wag"), however, Northumbrian musician William Vickers entered it into his large 1770 music manuscript collection as "Hexham Lasses." Compare with "Mrs. O'Sullivan's Reel."
Additional notes Source for notated version : - Joseph Barnes music manuscript collection (Cumbria, 1762) [Offord].
Printed sources : - John Offord (Bonny Cumberland), 2018; p. 2.