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X: 1 T: You And I R: reel S: Boston Scottish Fiddle Club, Elizabeth Anderson workshop handout 2023-1-8 Z: 2023 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> N: Key changed from Gm to Gdor becauseeall the E notes are natural. M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gdor "^A"|:\ G2(GF) DCDF | GAGF DCDE | F2(AF) cFAc | def2 (dc)AF | G2(GF) DCDF | GAGF DCDE | FGAB c2(dc) | AFcA BGG2 :| "^B"|:\ dgg^f gabg | dg g/g/g (ga)bg | cffe fgaf | cf f/f/f (fg)af | dgg^f gabg | dg g/g/g (ga)bg | FGAB c2(dc) | AFcA BGG2 :|

YOU AND I. Canadian, Reel (whole time). Canada; Cape Breton, New Brunswick. G Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Identified as a “French” reel by editor Paul Cranford, who states the traditional tune was popularized in Cape Breton by fiddler Angus Chisholm, and is now played throughout the island. Some fiddlers, notes Cranford, tend to sharpen some of the ‘f’ notes and flatten some of the ‘b’ notes in the tune. Peter Corfield describes it as a traditional Acadian reel.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - learned by Brenda Stubbert (b. 1959, Point Aconi, Cape Breton) from her father, Robert Stubbert, who had the tune from Irish-style fiddlers Hughie Jackson (St. Peter’s, Cape Breton) and Joe Confiant (Northside, Cape Breton) [Cranford].

Printed sources : - Corfield (Tunes from New Brunswick), 2024; p. 4 (appears as "An Acadian Reel"). Cranford (Brenda Stubbert’s Collection), 1994; No. 77, p. 28.

Recorded sources : - CLM Records 1548, Carl MacKenzie - "And His Sound is Cape Breton." Rounder CD 7038, Willie Kennedy - "Traditional Fiddle Music of Cape Breton: The Rover's Return." WMT002, Wendy MacIsaac – “That’s What You Get” (1997?).

See also listing at :
Alan Snyder's Cape Breton Fiddle Recordings Index [1]

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