Annotation:Young Spauds Hornpipe
X:47 T:Young Spauds Hornpipe M:9/4 L:1/4 Q:3/4=85 S:D.Wright, Extraordinary Collection, London 1713 N:printed barred in 9/4, time sig 3/2 Z:Pete Stewart, 2004 <> K:F g>de/f/ e>cd/e/dBd|fcffcfe2d|GDFECEDB,G,|(g3g2)a/g/f2d|| Bd2fa2Ac2|c3F2A/B/c2B/A/|g/f/g/a/gfdBgdB|B/A/B/c/dG>ABc>BA|| gdB cA/B/cBAF|C3F2A/B/c2B/A/|bg/a/baf/g/de/f/gf|D3G2cc/d/c/B/A|| D>GF/G/ C2FB,2D|A,2FFCFE2G|D>GF/G/ C>DE/C/B,>CD/B,/|G,2GD/E/FDE2F|| g/f/g/a/gb>agde/f/g|A>BccA/B/cB2A|d2c/B/c2A/F/GDB,|G,3G2A/B/c/d/c/B/A|| Bd2eg2fg2|f3F2A/B/c2B/A/|B/A/B/c/de/d/e/f/gf/e/f/g/a|g3G2A/B/c2B/A/|]
YOUNG SPAUD'S HORNPIPE. English, Triple Hornpipe (3/2, 9/4) or Slip Jig (9/8 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABCDEF. "Young Spaud's Hornpipe" was published in London by Daniel Wright in his Extraordinary Collection of Pleasant and Merry Humours (c. 1715). John Offord (1985) is of the opinion it is a 'corrupt version' of "Old Spand Hornpipe" in Thomas Marsden's collection of a decade earlier.