Apple Blossom Polka
X:1 T: Apple Blossom Polka C: Howdy Forrester Z:Joe Pancerzewski, with some of his alterations; edited and abc's by V.T. Williams M:2/4 K:D Agec AGEC| D2FA (3BcBA2|Aaga gecB|Aaga fdAF| Agec AGEC| D2FA (3BcBA2|Aaga gecA|d2f2d2z2:| K:A |:eeee eEAc|fecf e2ef|edBG EGBd|cBAF E4| eeee eEAc|fecd e2gf|e^def gefg|agaba4:| K:D |:Agec AGEC| D2FA (3BcBA2|Aaga gecB|Aaga fdAF| Agec AGEC| D2FA (3BcBA2|Aaga gecA|d2f2d2z2:| K:G !segno!|:B3G DB,G,B,|DGBd e2d2|dd'2d c'3d|b2ab g4| B3G DB,G,B,|DGBd e2d2|ddcB AFdB|!fine!G8:| K:D ggg2 eee2|BBB2 G3G|F2B2 BcBA|GAFG E4| fff2 ddd2|AAA2 F3G|A2c2 cABc|d4"D.S."c4|]