Arne's Jigg
X:6 T:Arne's Jigg. Ca1758.030 R:Jigg M:C| L:1/8 B:Cahusac,T. 24 Country Dances for the Year 1758 Z:vmp.Mike Hicken 2015 N:* Parts of bar 4 are difficult to read but I have used James Biggins MS, Leeds, 1779 ( N: from the Village Music Project to decipher it. N:** The second time through this needs to be a quaver. Q:1/2=80 K:G G2 BG (B/c/d)BG|F2 AF A/B/c AG|G2 BG (de/f/)gB|"*"cAdB G/G/G "**"G2 :|! |:d|g2bg afed|e2f2gagd|g2bg afed|(e/f/g) (f/g/a)g3B|! ceAc BdGB|Aagf edcB|ceAc BdGB|A/B/c AF G2G,2 "*":| W: W: The 1st. and 2d. Cu Right and left W: half round .| the same back again :| W: then set contrary Corners and turn W: the other Corners the same .| Back W: to Back with your Partner & Right W: and Left at top :|