Aron's Maggot
ARON'S MAGGOT. English, Country Dance Tune (cut time). England, Northumberland. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. A maggot was a longways country dance from late 16th century England, often dedicated to a personage whose name appears in the title. The term comes from the Italian magioletta and means a plaything, or a slight thing of little consequence. Another meaning for maggot was as another name for a dram, a small unit of liquid measure.
Printed source: Seattle (William Vickers), 1987; No. 241.
X:1 T:Aron's Maggot M:C| L:1/8 S:William Vickers music manuscripts (1770) K:G G2 BG BdBG|F2 AF AcAF|G2 BG BdgB|cAFA BG G2:| |:g2 gb afdf|egeg a2d2|g2 gb afdf|egfa g2g2:| |:ceAc BdGB|Agfa gdBG|ceAc BdGB|cAFA BG G2:||
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