Blackeyed Peas and Cornbread
Blackeyed Peas and Cornbread: Annotations
X:1 T:Blackeyed Peas and Cornbread S:Bob Walsh (1929-1990, Cape Fair, Shannon County, Missouri) M:C| L:1/8 D: Grey Eagle Records 101, "Now that's a Good Tune" (1989) F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G Bc|d2Bd- dedc|B2G2GAGE|CEGE CEGE|D6D2-| E2)CE GAGE|D2G2 GAGE|Fd2d- dedc|1B[G2B2](c [G2B2]):|2[M:3/4] BG2AG2|G2F2^E2|| [M:C|]E2 EF GFGA|BcBA GFEG|A2AB cBcA|efed cBAD| D2 DE FEFD|ABAG FED2|[F2d2]c2B2A2|[D2D2][C2E2][B,2D2][A,D]D|| P:1st strain, 1st measured, played after the 2nd strain: Bcd2 dedc|
Blackeyed Peas and Cornbread: Annotations