Braes of Glenorchy (1)
Braes of Glenorchy (1): Annotations
X:1 % T:Braes of Glenorchy [1] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:McGlashan - Strathspey Reels (c. 1781) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G c|B>AGA GAGE|D>EG>A B2 A>G|cAA>B ABAG|AGAB c2 Ad| BGGA G>AGE|DEGA B2 AG|ABcd e>deg|G/G/G B>A G2|| c|B>GdG B>GdG|BGdG B2 Gd|^cAeA fAeA|^cAeA c2 Ad| BGdG eGdG|D>EG>A B2 AG|ABcd edeg|G/G/G BG G2||
Braes of Glenorchy (1): Annotations