Brick Work Lasses Reel
X: 2 T:Brickwork Lasses M:C| L:1/8 S:from the John Neilson Music Book 1875, via Vivian Williams R:Reel D: H:This comes from a tunebook from Cuilhill, Scotland Z:Typeset by V Williams from the Neilson Music Book; set in abc's by Z:Phil Katz K:DMix A2|"D"d2 dA FGAF|Ad^cd A2 Bc|"D"d2 dA FGAF|"C"GEEF G2 A2| "D"d2 dA FGAF|Ad^cd A2 Bc|dBcA BGAF |"C"GEEF G2:|] |:g2|"D"fdfa fddg |fdfg a2 ag |"D"fdfa fddf|"C"gece g2 g2 | "D"fdfa fddg |fdfg a2 fg |"A"afge fde2 |"D"dBAF "G"G2:|]