Carolan's Quarrel with the Landlady
X:1 T:Rúisg a bhean na tóna T:Carolan’s quarrel with the landlady T:Turlough O’Carolan M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air N:Obtained by Goodman from the music manuscript collection of N:John Edward Pigot (1822–1871) B:James Goodman music manuscript collection, Book 2, p. 95 (mid-19th century) B: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G BA|G3A B2|g4 ga|bagfed|g4 gf|e3fed|e2f2 ge| edcBAG| A4 BA|G3A B2|g4 ga|bagfed|g4 gf| e2 fedB|d2 edBA|B6|g4 gf|e2 fedB|d2 (3cde (3dBA| B2e2e2|e4||ga|b2g2b2|bagfed|d2f2g2|a4 (3abc'| bagfed|e2f2 ge|edcBAG|A3 (3cBA| G3A B2| g4 ga|bagfed|g4f2|e2 fedB|d2 edBA|B6| g4g2|e2 fedB|d2 (3cde (3dBA|B2e2e2|e4||
T:Carolan's Quarrel with the Landlady
B/A/|G>AB g2 g/a/|b/a/g/f/e/d/ g2 g/f/|e>fe/d/ efg/f/|e/d/c/B/A/G/ A2 B/A/|
G>AB g2 g/a/|b/a/g/f/e/d/ g2 g/f/|ef/e/d/B/ de/d/B/A/|B3 g2 g/f/|
ef/e/d/B/ de/d/B/A/|Bee e2||g/a/|bgb b/a/g/f/e/d/|dfg a2 a/4b/4c'/|
b/a/g/f/e/d/ efg/f/|e/d/c/B/A/G/ A>cB/A/|G>AB g2 g/a/|b/a/g/f/e/d/ g2f|
ef/e/d/B/ de/d/B/A/|B3 g2f|ef/e/d/B/ de/d/B/A/|Bee e2||