Conchubhar Mhac Coiréibhe

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 Theme code Index    13b3b 13b3b
 Also known as    Conor Macareavy, Girls Have You Seen George?, A chailíní an bhfaca tú Seóirse?, Sgaruint na gCompanach, Parting of Friends (The)
 Composer/Core Source    Denis Hempson
 Region    Ireland
 Genre/Style    Irish
 Meter/Rhythm    Air/Lament/Listening Piece
 Key/Tonic of    E
 Accidental    1 sharp
 Mode    Aeolian (minor)
 Time signature    3/4
 Structure    AB, AA'B
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:Edward Bunting
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Ancient Music of Ireland
 Tune and/or Page number    pp. 10-12
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1840
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   ()   

Conchubhar Mhac Coiréibhe: Annotations

T:Connor Macareavy
S:Hempson at Magilligan, 1792
N:Bunting prints three variation sets after the main melody, 
N:by the harper Lyons, composed in 1700. 
B:Bunting – Ancient Music of Ireland (1840, pp. 10-12)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
E2z2 G4 {A}(G4E4D3)|E2z2 G4 {A}(G/E/D3)|E2z2 G4 G3A/B/|{BcB}c4 (c/B/A3)|
{ABA}B8 B/A/G3|(AGED) {^C}D6 (3DEG|[D8A8] (ABG2)|(A8 G2)z2||
{BcB}c8 (c/B/A3)|{A}B4 (de3) {e}.d2(BA)|{A}(G/E/D3) .G2z2.G2z2|(G3A) G4 (DEGA)|
.B2z2 {Bd}e2 z2 (dcBA)|G2z2 {GA}B2 z2 (BAGF)|{G}E8 E2z2|{EG}E4 z2.E2||
T:Conchubhar Mhac Coiréibhe 
T:Conor Macareavy
B:Bunting - Ancient Music of Ireland (1840)
B2A2 Bd dB/A/|B2 B/d/e/f/ b2a2|g>f g>a g2f2|
e2d2 B/d/e/f/ Tg2|1 {e/f/}e6 z2:|2 {e/f/}e6 zf|e>de>f g3e|
f>ef>g f3e|d>ed>B d2B2|b2 ba g2f2|
ed B2B2 f>e|d2B2 dB/A/ Bc|B2 B6||

Conchubhar Mhac Coiréibhe: Annotations