Cotillion No. 2 Fourth Figure
X: 10712 T: COTILLION No. 2. tune 4 C: %R: jig N: This is version 1, for ABC software that doesn't understand diminuendo notation. B: Elias Howe "The Musician's Companion" Part 1 1842 p.71 #2 S:'s_Companion_(Howe,_Elias) Z: 2015 John Chambers <> M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: D % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !p!A |\ {A}!f!f2!p!e !f!d2!p!A | {A}!f!f2!p!e !f!d2!p!A | ABc def | "^>"a2g e2!p!A | {A}!f!g2!p!f !f!e2!p!A | {A}!f!g2!p!f !f!e2A | ABc cde | eac d2 H|] A |\ !pp!ABc def | gaf dec | Ad/f/a Ac/e/a | dfa g/f/e/d/c/B/ | ABc def | ga/g/f/e/ de/d/c/B/ | Ad/f/a Ac/e/a | dAf "^D.C."d2 |] A |\ !pp!A2d d2f | afg agf | "^dim..."(bag) "^dim..."(gfe) | "^dim..."(ed)^c "^dim..."(cB)A | A2d d2f | f2a a2d | e2e efe | dAF "^D.C."D2 |] % - - - - - - - - - - Dance description - - - - - - - - - - %%begintext align %% All alamand corners, %% partners the same, %% all balance to corners, %% turn partners, %% ladies chain, %% promenade 4. %%endtext % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - %%sep 1 1 300