Countess of Airly (The)
Countess of Airly (The): Annotations
X:1 T:Countess of Airly M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey S:Glen Collection, vol. 1 (1891) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G B/c/|d<GB<G d<G B>g|e<c d>B A<D F>D|d<GB<G D<G B>g|ec B/c/d BGG:| e/f/|g>d B<g d<B g2|g>d B<g Aa a2|g>dB>g d<B g>d|e>c B/c/d/c/ B>G G>d| g>d B<g d<B g2|g>d B<g A<a a2|g<dg>b a<f g>e|e<c B/c/d/c/ BGG||
Countess of Airly (The): Annotations