COUNTESS OF BREADALBANE. AKA - "Countess of Breadalbane's Favorite Strathspey." Scottish, Strathspey. B Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. The melody appears in Malcolm McDonald's 1797 Fourth Collection, a volume dedicated to the Countess of Breadalbane (his second collection had previously received the patronage of Earl of Breadalbane). The countess was Mary Turner Gavin, daughter of David Gavin and Lady Elizabeth Maitland, who married Lt.-Gen. Sir John Campbell, 1st Marquess of Breadalbane, in 1793. Upon his death in 1834 she became one of the richest widows in Scotland.
Printed source: Glen (The Glen Collection of Scottish Dance Music), vol. 2, 1895; p. 30. MacDonald (A Fourth Collection of Strathspey Reels), 1797; p. 1. Stewart-Robertson (The Athole Collection), 1884; p. 294.