COUNTESS OF ROTHES. Scottish, Strathspey. F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. The melody appears in Robert "Red Rob" Mackintosh's second collection (1793) dedicated to Mrs. Campbell of Lochnell; the volume “to be had at his house in Skinner’s Close”, Edinburgh. Macintosh was considered an excellent violinist, and the first teacher in Edinburgh of young Nathaniel Gow. Macintosh moved to London in 1803 where he continued to compose, publish and teach and died in that city in 1807. The Countess of Rothers in Macintosh's time was Jane Elizabeth Leslie, 12th Countess of Rothes (1750–1810), who succeeded to the title in 1773.
Printed sources: Glen (The Glen Collection of Scottish Dance Music), vol. 2, 1895; p. 23. Stewart-Robertson (The Athole Collection), 1884; p. 232.