Countess of Selkirk's Favorite (The)
Countess of Selkirk's Favorite (The): Annotations
X: 1 T: The Countess of Selkirk's Favourite C:Nathaniel Gow R:Strathspey Q: 128 K:Cm F: M:4/4 L:1/16 |:C3D E3C F3E DB,3|C3D E3F G3A GE3|e3d c3=A B3F DB,3| C3D E3F ^FGFG EC3|C3D E3C F3E DB,3|C3D E3F G3A GE3| e3d c3=A B3F DB,3|C3D E3F ^FGFG EC3|c3d e3g f2f2 dB3| c3d e3f g2g2 ec3|g2g2 ec3 f2f2 dB3|c3d e3f g2c2 e2g2|c3d e3g f2f2 dB3| c3d e3f ^fgfg dede|=BcBc ^FGFG =E=FEF D_B,3|C3D E3F Gc=Bd cC3:|
Countess of Selkirk's Favorite (The): Annotations