Country Dance (11)
X:258 T:Country Dance [11] O:No 258 William Clarke of Feltwell Z:Transcribed by David Dolby 2010 M:2/4 L:1/8 N:In 2-beat first bar,6-beat second bar, and a 7-bar A music. Below is an interpretation. N:Dal segno sign over end of A music. N: There appears to be F sharps in bars A4 and A5. These have been left out. N:B anacrusis changed from a crotchet to a quaver. K:C Gc| c2GG|ccG2|cedf|cag2|eg/f/ a2|eg/f/g2|df/e/f2|ecc!D.S.!:| |:g|c'bag|c'bag|c'bag|fddf|bagf|bagf|bagf|ecc:|