CURRAGH OF KILDARE, THE. AKA - "The Winter (it) is Past." Irish, Air (4/4 time). D Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). One part. "I took down the words and air of this song about 1852 from Kate Cudmore of Glenosheen, Co. Limerick: and I gave both to Dr. Petrie, who published them in his 'Ancient Music of Ireland'. The air re-appears in Standford-Petrie. There is a Scotch version of the words: but the Scotch air--which appears modern--is different from ours, as given here. The words originated in Ireland" (Joyce).
Printed source: Joyce (Old Irish Folk Music and Songs), 1909; No. 427, p. 238-239.
Recorded source: See also listings at: Jane Keefer's Folk Music Index: An Index to Recorded Sources [1], Alan Ng's [2].
T:Winter it is Past (The)
T:Curragh of Kildare (The)
B:Joyce - Old Irish Folk Music and Songs, No. 427 (1909)
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
D2|DB,DE G2 c>B|AGE>D D2 FG|A2 Bc d2 cB|A6 AB|
cABc d2 cB|AGED D2 DE|G2 cB AGED|D6 AB|
cABc d2 cB|AGED D2 DE|G2cB AGED|D6||