Czar of Muscovy (1)
X: 1 T:Czar of Muscovy. (p).1701.PLFD1.430 M:6/4 L:1/4 Q:3/4=80 B:Playford, Dancing Master,11th Ed.,1701. O:England;London Z:Chris Partington <> K:Fm AF2f2F|A2BcBA|GE2e2E|G2ABAG|AF2f2F| A2B(cB)A|e3g2e|gaba2g|af2a2g| fe=defg|=BG2g2=d|efgc=de|=BG2=d2F| EGcDc=B|1c3C2D|=EGcB>AG:|2c3C3|| g3c2g|aga=d=ef|=e3c2c|GABcBc| =A3F2c|fefc=de|=d3B2f|babfga| g3efg|aABB2A|A3A2g|acagcg| fcf=ecg|acagcg|fcf=ece|fcfgcg| acagcg|fcfgcg|acagcB|AcfGf=e|f6:|
X: 1
T: Czar of Muscovy
P: Longways for as many as will
%R: jig
B: "The Dancing-Master: Containing Directions and Tunes for Dancing" printed by W. Pearson for John Walsh, London ca. 1709
S: 7: DMDfD p.290-291 "C c 2"
Z: 2013 John Chambers <>
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
%K: Fm
K:_e_B_d_F_G % but this makes little sense.
N: Others have interpreted this tune as in F minor, which makes musical sense.
N: Walsh's accidentals are copied here exactly. Sharps are used to cancel flats, unlike modern notation.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AF2 f2F | A2B cBA | GE2 e2E | G2A BAG |
AF2 f2F | A2(B cB)A | e3 g2e | gab a2g |
af2 a2g | fe"^#"d efg | B^G2 g2^d |
efg c^de | B^G2 d2F | EGc Dc^B |
(c3 C2D | "_1"^EGc B>AG | (c3 C2) "_2"||
g3 c2g | aga d^ef | ^e3 c2c |GAB cBc |
^A3 F2c | fef c^de | d3 B2f |bab fga |
g3 efg | aAB B2A | A3 A2g |aca gcg | fcf ^ecg |
aca gcg | fcf ^ec^e | fcf gcg | aca gc^e |
fcf gcg | aca gcB | Acf Gf^e | f3- f3 |]
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% The first and second cu. fall back and turn single, all 4. set again and the two men lead through the two
%% women and turn twice, all 4. fall back and set, and turn single; then all 4. fall back again, then the we.
%% do the same; the first man and woman take hands and set to the second man and turn single, set again
%% and all 3. go the Hey once; then take hands again and set to the 2d. woman. and turn single, set again
%% and go the Hey into their own places, and slip down the middle into the second couples places.
%% [DMDfD]
%%sep 1 8 500