Da TushkarClick on the tune title to see or modify Da Tushkar's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Da Tushkar
X: 1
T: Da Tushkar
C:Ronnie Cooper
R: reel
N:A tushkar is a tool used to cut peat in the Shetland Islands.
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: Amaj
cB|Aafa edcB|A2 cA EAcA|cefg afec|d2B2B2 ag|
fgaf edcB|A2 cA EAcA|Bcde fefg|a2A2 A2:|
|:dc|BeGe BGEG|AecA EAcA|cefg afec|
[1d2B2B2 dc|BeGe BGEG|AecA EAcA|Bcde fefg|a2A2A2:|
[2d2B2B2 ag|fgaf edcB|A2 cA EAcA|Bcde fefg|a2A2A2|]