Duke of Sutherland's March
X:1 T:Porst Suibhal Dhiue Chat T:Duke of Sutherland's March T:Braes of Bushby M:C L:1/16 R:March B:William Gunn - The Caledonian Repository of Music B:Adapted for the Bagpipes (Glasgow, 1848, p. 88) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bmin F2|BB3B3c d3Bc2A2|GA3A3B c2e2 dcBA|B3cd3e f3ed2f2| edcB A2c2 d2B2B2::c2|d3ef2ed a2d2f2ed|c2e2a3f (edcB) (ABcA)| d3ef2ed a2d2f2ed|edcB A2c2 d2B2B2::c2|d3fB2d2 B2de f2ed| c3eA2c2 A2cd e2dc|d2f2B2d2 B2de f2ed|e(dcB) A2c2 d2B2B2:|]