Durham's Bull

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 Theme code Index    1L3L6L3L 13L6L3L
 Also known as    Durham's Reel (1), Bull Durham
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    United States
 Genre/Style    Bluegrass, Old-Time
 Meter/Rhythm    Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    A
 Accidental    3 sharps
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    4/4, 2/2
 History    USA(Ozarks/Western Tenn)
 Structure    AB, AAB, AABAAB'
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:David Brody
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Fiddler's Fakebook (The)
 Tune and/or Page number    pp. 95-96
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1983
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   ()   

X: 1 T:Durham's Bull M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:100 C:American R:Reel K:A "A"A,2CE FECE|AECE FECE|"D"D2FA BAFA|dAFA BAFA| "E"E2 GB cBGB|eBGB cBGB|"D"EFGA BcBG|[1"A"A2 GF EDCB,:| [2"A"A2 cB A2 ef||"A"a2ab afef|abaf efec|"D"dedB ABA=G| FDEF D2([=F2A2]|"B"[^F2A2]) [^A2e2]-[B2e2] Bc|^dBcd B2 ef| "E"gfgb gfec|[1BAGF E2 ef:|[2BAGF [E4A4]|]

X:1 T:Durham's Bull N:From the playing of Carlton Rawlings (1907-1969, Bath N:County, Ky.), from a field recording that came into N:the possession of John Harrod in the 1970's. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Quick" D:https://soundarchives.berea.edu/items/show/3975 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:A A,2CE FECE|AECE FCEC|D2 FA BAFA|dAFA BAFD| E2 GB cBGB|eBGB cGBG|EFGA BdcB|1Aagf ecBc:|2Ace2 a2|| e2|a-gae gfe^d|=dcBA GFED|F-=F^FF dcde|fgag edcG| B-_B=Bc _e2=e_e|f=f^fg f^dBd|e-_e=ef gage|^dcBA GFEC||

X:1 T:Bull Durham S:Donald "Cotton" Combs (1921-1984, Fayetteville, Arkansas) L:1/8 M:C| D:Rooster Records 001, Cotton Combs - "My Fiddle & I." F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/bull-durham Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:A ^G,2-|A,2C2 FECB,|A,B,CC AECE|DEFA BAFE|DEFA dAFD| E2GE cBGF|1EFGB e2ef|gege fged|{B}c6:|2 EFGB e2[_B,_E]-| [=B,2E2] EE F2G2|A6||a-|agaf efed|cBAc BAFE| DEF=G ABdA|fafe dAcA|B4+slide+^d4| B4+slide+^d4|e3e g2ff| e2dd c2B2|A,2C2 FECB,|A,B,CC AECE|DEFA BAFE| DEFA dAFD|E2GE cBGF|EFGB e2[_B,_E]-|[=B,2E2] EE F2G2|A6||