Earl of Fife's Fireside (The)
Earl of Fife's Fireside (The): Annotations
X:1 % T:Earl of Fife's Fireside, The C:Robert Petrie M:C| L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Petrie - Fourth Collection of Strathspeys, Reels, Jiggs and Country Dances (c. 1805) K:F c|A<F TF2 C>F TF2|A>F A/B/c/A/ BGGB|A<F TF2C<F TF2| B<Gc>B AFF:||c|(f/e/f/g/) fc AcAF|Bd d/c/B/A/ BGGe| (f/e/f/g/) fc dfdB|df ef/g/ af fg/a/|(3bag (3agf (3gfe (3fed| d/c/B/A/ fA BGGB|(3FAF (3cAc (3dBd (3fdf|(3efg (3gab (3affz||
X:1 % T:Earl of Fife's Fireside, The R:Strathspey M:C L:1/8 S:MacDonald - Skye Collection (1887) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F c|A<F F2 C<F F2|A>F A/B/c/A/ B<G G>B|A<F F2 C<F F2| B<G c>B AF F:|c|(f/e/f/g/) fc AcAF|Bd d/c/B/A/ BGGe| (f/e/f/g/) fc dfdB|df ef/g/ af fg/a/|(3bag (3agf (3gfe (3fed| (d/c/B/A/) fA BGGB|(3AFA (3cAc (3dBd (3fdf|(3efg (3gab (3aff z||