Fanny Power
X:1 % T:Mrs. Trench T:Fanny Power M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air C:”Carolan” B:Samuel, Anne & Peter Thompson – The Hibernian Muse B:(London, 1787, No. 73, p. 46) N:”A Collection of the most Favorite Compositions of N:Carolan the Celebrated Irish Bard” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C c2G cde|f2 e d2c|{c}B2A GBG|B2c d2f| edc egg|a2 d Td2c|B2A GcB|c3 c3:| |:g(e/f/g) g(e/f/g)|cec cec|a(f/g/a) a(f/g/a)|dfd dfd| efg abc'|bc'd' gag|e2c Tded|c3 c3:|]
X:1 % T:Inghin ni Pudhar T:Miss Power M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Vivace" B:Mulholland -- Ancient Irish Airs (Belfast, 1810, p. 51) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G B|G2 D GAB|Tc2B TA2G|F2D D/E/FD|FGA ABc| B2G B/c/dB|c/d/ec A2G|F2 D D/E/FD |G3 G2:| |:B/c/|dB/c/d dB/c/d|GBG GBG|ec/d/e ec/d/e|AcA AcA| B/c/dB e/f/ge|f/g/af d2c|BG/A/B AFD|G3 G2:|]
X:1 % T:Fanny Power M:6/8 L:1/8 C:Carolan R:Air B:Bunting – Ancient Music of Ireland (1840, No. 67, p. 49) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D "Distinctly and Gracefully"D2A, .D(EF)|(G2F) (E2D)|(C2B,) .A,(B,A,)|(C2D) (E2G)| .F(ED) .F(GA)|(B2E) (E2D)|{D}.C(B,A,) .A,(B,C)|[A,3D3] [A,2D2]z:| |:.A(F/G/).A .A(F/G/).A|(.D2.D.D2.D)|.B(G/A/).B .B(G/A/).B|(.E2.E .E2.E)| .F(GA) .B(cd)|.c(de) .A(BA)|{G}.F(ED) .E(FE)|[A,3D3][A,2D2]z:|]
X:1 % T:Fanny Power M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air B:P.M. Haverty – One Hundred Irish Airs vol. 1 (1858, No. 86, p. 36) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D2A, .D(EF)|(G2F) (E2D)|(C2B,) .A,(B,A,)|(C2D) (E2G)| .F(ED) .F(GA)|B2E E2D|{D}.C(B,A,) .A,(B,C)|D3 D2z:| |:.A(F/G/).A .A(F/G/).A|(.D2D .D2.D)|.B(G/A/).B .B(G/A/).B|(.E2.E .E2.E)| F(GA) .B(cd)|cde A(BA)|{G}.F(ED) E(FE)|D3 D2z:|]
X:2 % T:Fanny Power T:Planxty Fanny Powers C:Turlough O'Carolan S:The Carolan Albums, Maire Ni Chathasaigh Z:Nigel Gatherer M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G z|G2 D G>AB|c2 B A2 G|G>FE D>ED|F2 G A>Bc| B>AG B>cd|e2 A A2 G|G>FE DGF|G2 G G2:| |:B|dB/c/d dB/c/d|GBG GBG|ec/d/e ec/d/e|AcA AcA| B>cd e>fg|fga dec|B>AG A/B/cF|G2 G G2:|]
X:1 % T:Planxty Fanny Powers M:3/4 L:1/4 K:G D |: G2D | G>AB | c2B | A2G | GFE | DFD | F2G | A2c |B>AG | Bcd | e2A | A>BG | GFE | DGF | G3 |1 G2D :|2 G2d || |: dB/c/d | dB/c/d | G>BG | GBd | ec/d/e | ec/d/e | A>cA | AcA |B>cd | efg | f>ga | d2c | B>AG | DGF | G3 |1 G2d :|2 G2 ||