Faraway Wedding (1) (The)
(Redirected from Far Awa' Wedding (1) (The))
X:1 T:Farraway Wedding [1], The M:9/8 L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:Wright's Compleat Collection of Celebrated Country Dances (1740, p. 49) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A cAA f2e cAA|cAA f2e gBB|cAA f2e cAA|BGB gae dBB|| c2e fga ecA|c2e fga BGB|c2e fga ecA|BGB g/(a/g/f/e/) dBB|| c2A AcA AcA|c2A AcA BGB|c2A AcA AcA|BGB g(a/g/f/e/) dBB||
X:2 T:Far Awa' Wedding [1], The M:9/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:Gow - 2nd Repository (1802) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A e|:A3(A A)EA AEA|c2(A A)EA B=GB|c2A AEA AEA|B=GB Bge dBG:| cAA a2e c(AA)|cAA a2f =g(BB)|cAA a2e cAc|B=GB Bge gdB| cAA a2e c(AA)|cAA =g3 {fg}gBB|cAA a2e cAc|B=GB Bge gdB||