Farewell My Pretty Witty Peggy
Farewell My Pretty Witty Peggy: Annotations X:1 % T:Lad that keeps the Cattle, The S:Henry Atkinson music manuscript collection (Northumberland, 1694-95) M:6/4 L:1/8 R:Pipe Jig F:http://www.farnearchive.com/show_images.asp?id=R0114201&image=1 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G
X:1 % T:Bonnay Wattored Meggey M:C L:1/8 R:Air N:'wattored' may be 'wallored' but in N:any event, it is unclear. N:A version of Oswald's "Farewell my pretty witty Peggy" S:Henry Atkinson music manuscript collection (Northumberland, c. 1694) F:http://www.farnearchive.com/show_images.asp?id=R0114901&image=1 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F c|f2 (f/g/a) (fd) (cA)|G>F G>A (FD) F2|f2 (f/g/)a (fd) (cA)|(GF) (GA) F3|| c|c3d (cA) c2|f2 (f/g/)a g3f|d2 (d/e/f) (cA)(GF)|D2B2G3F| FCFG A2 (fe)|d3c defg|a3g (fc) (df)|(cA) (GF) F3F||
X:1 % T:Farewell my Pretty witty Peggy M:C L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Slow" S:McGibbon - Scots Tunes, book II, p. 40 (c. 1746) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G d2 | g2 (g/4a/2<b) (g<e)(d<B) |T(A>G)(AB) (G<E)d2 | g2 (g/4a/2<b) (g<e)(d<B) |T(A>G)(AB) G2 :| |: g2 | d3e (d<B)d2 | g2(g/a/b) {b}a3g | e2(e/f/g) (d<B)(A<G) | E2c2 {B}TA3G | (A<D)(G<A)B2g2 | {f}e3d e>fg>a | b3a (g<e)(d<g) | (d<B)T(A>G) G2:|
X:1 % T:Farewell my Pretty Moggie M:C L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Slow" B:Oswald – Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book V (1760, p. 8) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G (d/e/f)|g2 (g/a/b) {a}ge{e}dB|T(A>G)AB (GE) G2|g2 (g/a/b) {a}ge{e}dB| TA>GAB G3::g|d3e (d<B) d2|g2 (g/a/b) {b}a3g|e2 (d/e/)g {e}dB {B}AG| E2 (c>B) {B}A3B|GDGA B2 g>f|{f}e3d (e/g/)(f/a/) (g/b/)(a/c'/)|b3a ge (d/e/g)|(d<B) {B}A>G G2:|]