Feed My Horse on Corn and Hay
X:1 T:Feed My Horse on Corn and Hay S:Buddy Thomas (1935-1974, northeastern Ky.) M:C| L:1/8 N:Drone low 'G' string through much of 1st strain. N:The 'A' strain is only the introduction first part, played once, followed by N:the 'B' part. Every other repetition is A'A'BA'A'B etc. D:Rounder 0376, Buddy Thomas (et al) – "Traditional Fiddle Music of Kentucky, vol. 1: Up the Ohio and Licking Rivers" (1997). F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/feed-my-horse-corn-and-hay Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G P:A (first time only) (DE|G2) GG G2GD|Bd2[dg] [d2g2]((3DEF|G2) GG G2 BG|A[G2B2][GB] [G2B2]((3DEF| G2)GG G2[GB]A|B[d2g2][dg] [d2g2][de]-|[e2e2][ee][ef] edBG|A[G2B2][GB][G2B2]|| P:B gf|e[d2f2][df] [d2f2] eg|f[d2f2][df][d2f2]e(f|g2)g2edBG|A[G2B2][GB][G2B2]gf| e[d2f2][df] [d2f2] eg|f[d2f2][df][d2f2]e(f|g2)g2edBG|A[G2B2][GB][G2B2]|| P:A' (play for all repetitions) |:[G,2D2]-|[G,D]B,DG EFG[DA]|[DB][D2d2]e [D2d2][G,2D2]-|[G,D]B,DG EFGA|BGAF [G,2G2][G,G]([G,E]| [G,D]B,DG EF)G[DA]|[DB][D2d2][dg][d2g2][de]-|[e2e2]eg fded|B[G2B2][GB][G2B2]:||
X:1 T:Feed My Horse on Corn and Hay S:Erynn Marshall M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:ABCBCBC Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G DE|G2G2G2GG|Bd2d d2DE|G2GGG2 BG|AG2G G2DE| G2G2BAGA|Bd2d d2[A2e2]-|[A2e2] ef edBG|A[G2B2]G[G2B2](G,|| G,)B,DF EFGA|Bd [d2g2][d4g4]|G,B,DF EFGA|BGAF G2G2| G,B,DF EFGA|Bd [d2g2][d4g4]|[e2e2]ef edBG|A[G2B2]G [GB]Agf|| ed2 d d2eg|f d2d d2 ef|gage dBed|BGAF G2 gf| ed2 d d2fd|e d2d d2ef|g2g2 edBG|A[G2B2]G[G2B2](G,"to the 2nd part"||
X:1 T:Feed My Horse on Corn and Hay M:4/4 L:1/8 S:Buddy Thomas, Lewis Co., Kentucky Z:Erynn Marshall K:G -(G,A,) B,F (EF) GA|B[dg]- [dg][dg]-[d2g2]|(G,A,) B,F (EF) GA|BG A(F G2) GE|(G,A,) B,F (EF) GA| B[dg]- [dg][dg] [d3g3]J"40"[ee]-|[e2e2] (ef) ed BG|1 A[GB]- [GB][GB] [G3B3]G,:|2 A[GB] [GB][GB] [G2B2] gf|| e[df]- [df][d2f2] (eg)|f[df]- [df][df] [d2f2] ef|(ga) (ge) dd ed|BG A(F G2) gf| e[df]- [df][df] [d2f2] fd|e[df]- [df][df] [d2f2] ef|(ga) (ge) dd ed|BG A(F G4)||