Fop's Fancy
X:1 % T:Fop's Fancy M:3/2 L:1/8 R:Country Dance Tune B:Walsh - Twenty Four New Country Dances for the Year 1715 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F c4A4 f3g|a2 f4 a2g2f2|e3d cdcB ABcA|B3A G2 c2A2F2:| |:c3B ABcd c4|ABc2 AB c2 f2c2|f3e dcBA GABc|A2F2 FGAB c4:| |:f2a2g2f2 edec|d2 BA G2 c2A2F2|GFGA BABc dcde|fefg agab a2f2:|]
X: 1 % T:Fop's Fancy. PFD2.299 W:Longways for as many as will. L:1/4 B:Playford's Dancing Master, Vol 2, 1713-28 Z:vmp.Mike Hicken 2015 M:3/2 Q:1/2=100 K:F c2A2 f>g|af2 agf|e>d c/d/c/B/ A/B/c/A/|B>AG cAF|| c>B A/B/c/d/ c2|A/B/c A/B/ cfc|f>e d/c/B/A/ G/A/B/c/ |AF F/G/A/B/ c2|| fag f e/d/e/c/|d B/A/ GcAF| G/F/G/A/ B/A/B/c/ d/c/d/e/|f/e/f/g/ a/g/a/b/ af|] W: W: Note: Each Strain is to be play'd twice over. W: W: First Cu. take Hands with the 2d Man, and go all three quite round, and turn single .| Then W: all four take Hands and go round back again and turn single :| The 1st Man change Places with W: the 2d Wo. and the 1st Wo. with the 2d Man .| Then Right Hands and Left half round, and each W: turn his Partner :| The 1st Cu. cast off and go Back to Back .| Then all four Right-Hands and W: Left quite round :|