X:1 T:Fullerton N:From the playing of Tom Fuller (1890-1979, Ok.), recorded in the field by N:Brad Leftwich in 1973. N:Fuller, born and raised in Indian Territory, pre-statehood, was a farmer, N:cowboy and oilfield worker in southern Oklahoma and west Texas. His fiddling N:predates the popular "contest" style of fiddling, according to Brad Leftwich, N:and "represents an earlier time...when a fiddler's main role was to play for dancing N:and to entertain family and neighbors." N:"Fullerton" sounds like a place-name, although it presently does not exist in Oklahoma. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Moderately" D:Field Recorder Collective FRC714, "Tom Fuller:Traditional Fiddling from Oklahoma and Texas" (2015) D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/fullerton Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C E3-D C4|+slide+E2EED2A,B,|C2 DE cdcD-|EECE D2 C>D| E3-D C4|+slide+E3E- DCA,A,|C2 DE cdcD-|[M:3/2]EECD D2 C3:|| G cc-|[M:5/4]ec-dB- c2 GG AA|[M:C|][c6e6]gg|a2g2{B}c2 GG|1 E2C3:|2[M:2/4] E2CD|| [M:C|]+slide+[e4e4] +slide+[e3e3]e|[e2e2]gg e2cc|eeg^f gagA-|c2GG E2C2||