Getting Up the Stairs
X:1 T:Getting up the Stairs N:From the playing of fiddler Clyde Davenport (Ky.) N:Davenport (b. 1921) was born in Blue Hole Hollow, near Mt. Pisgah on the N:Cumberland Plateau in south-central Kentucky, not far from the border with N:Tennessee. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:AEae or GDgd tuning (fiddle) Q:"Quick." D: D:Field Recorders Collective FRC 104, "Clyde Davenport, vol. 2" (2005) Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:A |:{B}ABcd efed|cABG [A,3E3]A-|c(ABA) A2AA|c(ABA) [A,3E3]A| c(ABA) A2AA|1c(ABA) [A,4E4]:|2c(ABA) A2 AA|{B}ABcd efed| cABG [A,4E4]||:ABcd e4|e(fae) fedf|edcA d2[df]d| e2 ef afed||1cABA A2A2:|2cABG [A,4E4]||