Gigue de campagne
X:1 T:Jigue/Gigue de campagne N:From the playing of fiddler Arthur-Joseph (A.J.) Boulay (1883-1948), N:who was born in New Hampshire, but who spent much of his life in Quebec. M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig N:Play ABBB'AA'BBB'AA'BBB' N:The first section, in 6/8 time, is only played once, in the beginning of N:the tune. Thereafter the 6/8 melody is rendered in cut time. The 6/8 N:part is really a slide (12/8 time), but the occasional measure of 2/4 time N:in the first strain is more clearly notated using 6/8 time. D:Victor 263539-B (78 RPM), A.J. Boulay (1928) D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G P:A B2e|d2B cBA|B2B B2e|d2B cBA|G2G G2B| d-B2 cBA|B2B g2e|d2B cBA|G2G G2B| d-B2 cBA|[M:2/4]BBBd |[M:6/8]d2B cBA|[M:2/4]GG GB| [M:6/8]e-B2 cBA|B2B g2e|d-B2 cBA|[M:2/4]GDEF|| P:B |:[M:C|]GBEB G-EEF|GBAG F-DD-F|GABc dege|1,2dcBA GDEF:|3 dcBA G2|| P:C Be|dB (3cBA BBBe|dB (3cBA GGGB|eB (3cBA BBge|1 dB (3cBA GGGB:|2 dB (3cBA GDEF||