Give the Fiddler a Dram (2)
X:1 T:Give the Fiddler a Dram [2] S:W.S. Collins (Pottawatomie County, Okla.) N:W.S., "Willie", was the father of fiddler Earl Collins (1911-1975). W.S. was N:originally from Illinois (according to Marion Thede), or from Tennessee, who N:moved to the Missouri Ozarks (where Earl was born) before moving on to N:Oklahoma. M:C| L:1/8 F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G (3DEF|G2 [G2B2] [GA][GB]ed|B[GB][GB][GA] [GB]AcB|AGFG A2Ac|B[GB][GB][GB] [G2B2]BA| GB[GB][GA] [GB]ded|BG[G2B2] [G2B2] BG |FGAF D2 Ac|B[G2B2][GB] [G2B2]|| |:(ef|g2)g2 gged|B[G2B2][GA] [G2B2]ef|a2a2 abag|fd3[d2f2]ef| dd[dg][dg] eged|B[G3B3] [G2B2][GB][GA]|[F2A2][FA][DA] [D2A2][DA]c|B[G2B2][GB] [G2B2]:||
X: 1
T: Give The Fiddler A Dram [2]
S: Bernie Waugh
R: Reel
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: Gmix
D2~GF GABG|A[A2F2][AF] [A4F4]|FGAB cAdc|B[B2G2][GB] GAGF|
D2~GF GABG|A[A2F2][AF] FGA2|^cd2e ded=c|BGAF G2:|
Bg2^f gag=f|ec~cB cdcB|Aa2^g aba=g|^fde^c ded=c|
Bg~g^f gag=f|ec~cB cde2|f3g fedc|BGAF G2:|