Grant of Sheuglie's Contest
Grant of Sheuglie's Contest: Annotations
X:1 T:Grant of Sheuglie's contest betwixt his Violin, Pipe and Harp T:Màiri Nighean Deorsa (1) M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Slow Air S:Fraser Collection (1816) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A A>B c2|c>d e2|f>d e2|B2 AF|A2 a2|(e2 e/)d/c/B/|A2 A>B|A2 FE| c>c c2|c>c e2|f>c e2|B2 AF|A2 a2|(e2 e/)d/c/B/|A2 A>B|A2 FE|| f>f a2|f>f a2|a>g a2|f>e e2|c>d e2|fe e2|A/B/c/d/ e/f/g/a/|f2 e2| a>g f2|e<c e2|f<c a2|B2 AF|A2 a2|(e2 e/)d/c/B/|A2 AB|A2 FE||