Horsey-Down Fields
Horsey-Down Fields: Annotations
X:1 T:Horsey-Down Fields M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Country Dance B: Young – Second Volume of the Dancing Master, 1st edition (1710, p. ) K:C G|c>dc Bcd|f>ef e>dc|e/f/ge (dB)G|cd2- d2G| c>dc Bcd|f>ef eag|(^fd)g g2^f|g3-g2|| d/e/|f>gf eag|f>ed B>AG|c>BA f>ed|B3 G2 A/B/| c>BA GFE|f>gf edc|(e/f/g)e dBG|Ac2-c2|]
X:98 T:Horsey Down Fields. JW6.098 O:England;London M:6/4 L:1/4 Z:vmp.Peter Dunk.2011.from a transcription by Paul Dennant S:John Walsh Jr. The Compleat Country Dancing Master.Vol 6 1756 Q:3/4=100 K:C A|c3/ d/ c Bcd|f3/ e/ f e3/ d/ c|e/f/ ge dBG|B d2-d2 G| c3/ d/c Bcd|f3/ e/ f eag|^fdg g2 ^f|g2-g3:| |:d/e/|f3/ g/ f eag|f3/ e/ d B3/ A/ G|c3/ B/ A f3/ e/ d| B3 G2 A/B/|c3/ B/ A GFE|f3/ g/ f edc|e/f/ ge dBG|A c2-c2:|
Horsey-Down Fields: Annotations