I would have preferred thee at first but not now Sir
X:1 % T:'Nuair' chunnic mi'n tòs thu, dheaninn do phòsadh T:I would have preferred thee at first, but not now Sir M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:William Gunn - The Caledonian Repository of Music B:Adapted for the Bagpipes (Glasgow, 1848, p. 2) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amix e|AAA c2e|efe c2e|AAA c2e|gdB B<Be| AAA c2e|efe c2A|dBB g2B|cAA A<A:| |:e|aga c2e|AAe c2e|aga c2e|gdB B<Be| aga c2e|AAe c2A|dBB g2B|cAA A<A:|]