Jockey in the Hayloft
Jockey in the Hayloft: Annotations
X:1 % T:Jockey Lay Up in the Hay Loft M:9/8 L:1/8 S:Bruce & Stokoe - Northumbrian Minstrelsy (1882) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G GBG GBG F2D | GBG G2B cAF | GBG GBG F2D | =FGA =f2d cAF :| |: B/c/dB A/B/cA B2G | B/c/dB cAd cAF | B/c/dB A/B/cA B2G | =FGA =f2d cAF :|
Jockey in the Hayloft: Annotations