Jolly Blacksmith (2)
Jolly Blacksmith (2): Annotations
X:1 % T:Jolly Blacksmith [2] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel S:A. Porter Hamblen (1875-195?) music manuscript collection (early-20th century) N:”As played by Williamson Hamblon.” Williamson Hamblon (1846-1920) was N:A. Porter’s father. N:Set in 'A' major in the MS. As with a few of the 'A' major tunes in N:Hamblon's MS, the tune sounds better in a modal rather than major key. N:See also Henry Reed's related "The Route" Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Ador A>A|c/B/A/B/ c/B/A/B/|c/B/A/E/ GG|GA/A/ FA|E/A/A/B/ A2| cA/A/ cA|A/G/E/G/ G2|GA/A/ GA|E/A/A/B/ A2|| A/B/c/d/ e2|e/f/g/f/ e/d/B|A/B/c/d/ ee|g/f/g/a/ g/f/e| A/B/c/d/ e2|e/f/g/f/ e/d/B|cA/A/ cA|E/A/A/B/ A2||
Jolly Blacksmith (2): Annotations