Jumbo Jum
X:0757 T:Jumbo Jum. Roose.0757 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 N:The tune can be found in "The Boston Collection of Instrumental Music" 1840 N:https://archive.org/details/bostoncollection00bost/page/72 N:However it is in 4/4 B:J.Roose MS, Manchester, 1850 Z:Village Music Project. Rob Lands 2019 K:G B>c|d>e (dB | G2)B>c | d>e dB | G2 B>c |d>e d>B | G>G B>B | G>A G>E |"8" !fermata!D2 B>c | d>e d>B | G>G B>c | d>e d>B | G2B>c |d>e d>B |G2B>G | G>A G>E | "16"D2z2 | "Rall"GB/A/ GE/E/ | G4 | GB/A/ GG | G4 |GB/A/ GG | G4 | GB/A/ GE/E/ |"24" G4 || "Sym."e/=f/e/c/ d/e/d/B/ | c/d/c/A/ BG | A/B/c/A/ BA | G2g2 |]
X: 1 T: JUMBO JUM B: Oliver Ditson "The Boston Collection of Instrumental Music" 1910 p.72 #2 F: http://conquest.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/8/8f/IMSLP175643-PMLP309456-bostoncollection00bost_bw.pdf M: 4/4 L: 1/8 F:http://www.john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/BostonCollection/BostonCollection.abc K: C ef |\ g>ag>e f2e>f | g>ag>f d2e>f |\ g>ag>e f2d>B | c>ed>B G2e>f |\ g>ag>e f2e>f | g>ag>e d2e>f | g>ag>e f2d>B | c>ed>B G2G2 |\ c2e>d c2A2 | d8 |\ c2e>d c2G2 | c8 |\ c2e>d c2A2 | d8 |\ c2e>d c2G2 | c4 z2 |]