Kennedy's Favourite
X: 1 T:Jim Kennedy's Favorite T:The Hare's Foot T:The Lowlands of Scotland T:The Bundle of Straw B:Kerr's Merry Melodies, Bk.2, p32 Z:Nigel Gatherer irtrad-l 2001-5-21 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Em e2|G2 GA BE E2|BEdE BEEF|G2 GA BABd|egfd e2:|] ef|(3gag (3fgf edBc|d2 ed Bd d2|(3gag (3fgf edBd|egfd e2| (3gag (3fgf edBc|d2 ed Bd d2|bgaf gfed|egfd e2|]