Kippy Smith's Favorite
X:69 T:Kippy Smith's Favorite B:American Veteran Fifer #69 C:C.E.Larrabee, Binghamton, N.Y. M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:1/8=300 K:G t=8 |: G | {B}GED DGB | dce def | gdB AGA | BGE DEG | {B}GED DGB | dce def | gdB AGA | BFA G2 :| |: B/c/ | d2e B2d | gfa gfe | d2e B2d | gfa g2 e/e/ | d2e B2d | gfa gfe | dgB AGA | BGA G2 :| % The second staff of this tune, #69, is identical to the second staff of tune #70. % This is highly suspicious and one of the tunes was believed to be in error. Both were % contributed by the same person, however, and the contributor may % have knowingly composed or played both tunes with the same second half. % Cyrenus Larabee and Bradley W. Smith, both of Andover, both served in Company H of the % 85th New York Volunteers. There were other folks named Smith in the 85th, but not from % Andover and not in Company H.