Lad O'Beirne's Jig
X: 1 T: Lad O'Beirne's R: jig M: 6/8 N: L: 1/8 K: D c|:dFF AFF |dFF GFE |A,3 A,CE |A,CE GFE | DFA DGB |Adc d2e |fed cBA |1 GFE D2 c :|2 GFE D2g || |:fef aba | f2d dcd |e^de gfg |ecA cde | fef gfg |a^ga ba=g | fed cBA |1 GFE D2 g :|2 GFE D2 c |]
X: 1
T:Lad O'Beirne's Jig
T:Pete Kelly's Jig
T:The Shannonaires
T:Burke's Jig
T:Gallagher's Jig
T:Connie O'Connell's Jig
S:Jennikel Andersson (Nov 13, -01) who got it from a Tola Custy session tape
Z:Jeff Lindqvist <jeff_lindqvist:SPRAY.SE> 2001-11-13
B:Bulmer and Sharpley collection ("Burke's")
B:Martin Mulvihill collection ("Burke's")
B:Matt Cranitch collection ("Connie O'Connell's")
N:From Bill Black (Zouki):
N:The NY area fiddler/composer/teacher Pete Kelly told us that he had
N:composed this tune years ago for his student ceili band "The Shannonaires".
N:He was vague about the name, leading me to believe that (1) it never had
N:one, or (2) Pete didn't remember what it was.
N:Pete is a very respected individual who (as far as I can tell) would not have
N:made a claim to authorship lightly. I know there are those who are skeptical
N:about his claim, but no one has ever brought forth evidence to show that it's
N:not correct.
N:In the event, "Pete Kelly's" or "The Shannonaires" would probably be more
N:accurate names than those already supplied.
d2d AGF | d2d AGF | ~E3 GFE | A,CE GFE |
DFA G2B | Ace d2e | f2d g2f | edc dfe |
dcd AGF | dcd AGF | ~E3 GFE | A,CE GFE|
DFA GAB | Ace deg | fed cBA | GFE Dde ||
fdf a^ga | faf dfd | ece gfg | Ege cde|
~f3 ~g3 | ~a3 bag | fed cBA | GFE Dde |
fdf a^ga | faf dfd | ece gfg | ege cde |
fdf gBg | aAa bag | fed cBA | GFE D3 |]