Lasses of Our Town

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 Theme code Index    6744 6751
 Also known as    Bonny Lass (2), Bonny Lass of Our Town, Ellingham Hall, Merry Dancers (The)
 Composer/Core Source    John Roose
 Region    England
 Genre/Style    English
 Meter/Rhythm    Jig/Quadrille
 Key/Tonic of    D
 Accidental    2 sharps
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    6/8
 History    ENGLAND(North West)
 Structure    AABB
 Editor/Compiler    John Roose
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:John Roose music manuscript collection
 Tune and/or Page number    No. 19
 Year of publication/Date of MS    c. 1850
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   ()   

X:19 T:Lasses of our Town. Roose.0019 T:Merry Dancers,aka. Roose.0019, The B:J.Roose MS, Manchester, 1850 Z:Village Music Project 2019 Eric Conrad M:6/8 Q:3/8=120 L:1/8 N:Key sig is dubious on all versions of this. I would N:favour No sharps or flats in strains A and B, and one sharp in strain C N:The two wedges generate one warning each in Abc2midi. These warnings can be ignored. N: N:NB1) Acciaccatura assumed on grace note here and throughout. K:D |: "^Key sig-see NB"c | {/c}"_NB1"BAB cGF | GAG G2c | {/c}BAB cGF | AFD D2c | {/c}BAB cGF | GAB c2e | dcB {/d}c2B | AFD D2 :| |: c | BdB G2c | (B/c/d)!wedge!B G2c | BdB G2B | AFD D2c | BdB G2c | (B/c/d)!wedge!B c2e | dcB {/d}c2B | AFD D2 :| |: g | {/g}fef gdB | gdB G2g | {/g}fef gdB | AFD D2g | {/g}fef gdB | def gdB | cac BgB | AFD D2 :|